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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - image of SEO letters with arrows moving away from it
Search Engine Optimization

My Roundup of Neil Patel’s Recent State of SEO Webinar. In short: Ditch the Robots, Embrace Humanity (and Long-Tail Keywords!)

Highlights from Neil Patel’s webinar The Biggest Opportunity of 2024, which I summarize as the state of content SEO in 2024. Write like a human, multi-channel marketing & multimedia is impactful, & don’t forget E-E-A-T.

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom WordPress & Shopify Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - rocket icon
Search Engine Optimization

How to drive more traffic to your site

Wondering how to get more traffic to your site? A constellation of issues can weigh heavily on a small business site. However, the following are the recurring issues I see during my website audits…

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom WordPress & Shopify Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - google search result screen
Search Engine Optimization

How to write content for your website – Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines

Searching for how to rank higher in Google and get more organic traffic to your website? I am here to help explain the basics about E-E-A-T. This is Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines. It stands for the combination of Expertise, Experience, and Trustworthiness.

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom WordPress & Shopify Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - tweet screen shot
Search Engine Optimization

How important is SEO on your site? Here are two studies with a clear answer

As a solo or small business owner, having organic search engine presence is ripe for the picking as far as additional traffic goes.

Two studies affirm this.

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Website Builders

What I love about Divi Theme & Website Builder

Black Friday is coming and Elegant Themes is launching a multi-day Black Friday sale. I thought I’d take the opportunity to share what I enjoy the most about the Divi theme and Divi Builder.

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - car speedometer icon
Search Engine Optimization

How I increased a new Divi site’s PageSpeed Score from 71 to 85, and B to an A in GTmetrix

Nerd alert! Here I am, I made a new WordPress site using Divi as the builder the theme. I will try to address a few low hanging fruit areas to try to improve the Google PageSpeed Insights performance score. What I did:

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - "The importance of having a robust digital strategy with high-quality content is obvious here, putting businesses under greater pressure to invest in SEO and content. This could put small businesses at greater risk if they are not able to compete with the superior budgets of bigger brands."
Search Engine Optimization

Unveiling the Status of Search: Key Insights from Semrush’s State of Search 2023 Study

Key Insights from Semrush’s State of Search 2023 Study

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - 4 steps to find great blog & social content for your niche
Search Engine Optimization

🙋‍♀️ 4 easy steps to find out what people are typing into Google – and then create awesome content to match it!

🙋‍♀️ 4 easy steps to find out what people are typing into Google about your product or service – and then create awesome content to match it! This is a huge organic SEO win.

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Envision Web Designers Salida - Custom Website Designs, Hosting and Organic SEO - car speedometer icon
Automations & Efficiencies

Website Integrations & Automations: Go from Meh to Mighty

Hey there, fellow small business owner! Are you still rocking that old website from the Stone Age? In today’s digital age, having an efficient website can not only help you expand your reach, but it can also do more work for you while you can spin your wheels less and do more of what you like to do in your business. So, let’s dive in and explore the most common pain points of older websites and how a modern website can effortlessly do more work for you.

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