
A good website is not just good-looking. It needs to be found. My services involve researching your ideal customer’s search behavior in Google before they’ve even reached your site, and also site that knows what to do once they are there (to guide more conversions!).


All sites need to live somewhere online, which is called Hosting. Not all hosting providers are alike. Every year I rescue sites from hosting companies that are not cutting it! I offer in-house monthly hosting and maintenance plans. I use a well established US-based WordPress technology provider. If you do not need my maintenance time that is OK! I can recommend the a good host which offers competitive pricing AND you get what you pay for – excellent service quality.

Looking for where to purchase your Domain from? I use Namecheap – they are cheap, straight forward AND include Domain Privacy for free. It saves you money and it keeps spammers away. Here is my affiliate link for Namecheap.