If you see this post on social media, it’s a WordPress win. Have you ever wondered if you can have your Blog posts automatically update Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn? Well, this is that test. Introducing the free WordPress plugin Jetpack Social. The Instagram part hurt my brain a bit because technically the plugin is integrated with Facebook. Then your Facebook needs to be integrated to Instagram. That part is unknown and I lost enough brain cells trying to figure out. So here’s to trying out Facebook and LinkedIn!
If you need my help to work on your WordPress site or talk about how your website can work FOR you more – contact me!
PS: The test passed! It posted automatically to Facebook and LinkedIn. I decided to not waste any more brain cells trying to figure out how to set my Facebook business page to automatically cross post to my Instagram Business Page. At my age I need to be selected with my brain cells. But seeing it post to Facebook and LinkedIn was pretty cool. Additonal screen shots are below.
Cheers! Jess

#jetpacksocial #wordpressdevelopment #smallbusiness #femaleentrepreneur